DATCO and DOT Regulated Employers

The Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991 enforces that drivers operating vehicles that require a commercial driver’s license must be tested for alcohol and controlled substances according to federal regulations.

Employers of federally-regulated drivers are held responsible for conducting controlled substance and alcohol testing programs. The program must include pre-employment, post-accident, random, and reasonable suspicion testing. These federal regulations cover all transportation employers, safety-sensitive transportation employees, and service agents.

If this seems like a lot, don’t worry. DATCO is here to help you get through every step of the DOT Compliance process.

DATCO Services is your all-in-one source for DOT Compliance and Employee Drug and Alcohol Testing/Compliance. We administer everything from start to finish - guaranteed and in writing. As a National TPA, DATCO provides DOT Compliance drug testing throughout the United States.

DATCO provides everything you need, starting with the development of a customized, written policy and DOT compliance. Whether you need testing only, or a full-service program, DATCO has the tools you need, along with competent, experienced, and friendly staff who make sure these tools are properly implemented.

Here are some of the DOT Compliance services we offer!

Consulting and Reporting

  • A company Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy which meets Department of Transportation requirements

  • Any regulatory updates which affect the program

  • Drug and alcohol test results within 48 hours

  • Drug and alcohol policy or policy review

  • All required paperwork for those employees who are to be tested

  • Substance abuse professional referrals

  • Complete program reporting to your specifications


  • Records of all testing and any necessary reports are generated immediately upon request

  • Collection sites conveniently located anywhere in the United States

  • Support with all necessary paperwork for audit and inspection

  • Medical review of ALL tests by a Board Certified Physician

  • A network of professionals, including a Board Certified Medical Review Officer and Substance Abuse Professional


  • Random selection for drug and breath alcohol testing of employees at the rate that meets the requirements of DOT regulations

  • Employee and pre-employment drug and alcohol testing

  • Computer-generated random selection

  • Return to duty & follow-up testing

  • Post-accident testing


  • Employee and supervisor drug & alcohol awareness training

  • Specimen collector certification


  • All paper is warehoused in a fireproof vault for additional security

  • All documents are scanned and stored on digital media

  • Encrypted passwords

DATCO provides DOT drug and alcohol testing throughout the United States to help your company meet compliance quickly. For more information, click here.

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